Wednesday, 20 April 2016


See what rev arome tokula said about watching what you hear cos what you hear either makes you or destroys you.

Your life is a sum total of what you are hearing! You are where you are because of what you have been hearing! What we keep hearing, we eventually believe! What we eventually believe, we do and become! It starts with your ears and what you constantly let through them!

Gen 3:9 — Gen 3:11
9 But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid BECAUSE I WAS NAKED; SO I HID.”
11 And he said, “WHO TOLD YOU that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”

When man feel fell in the garden of Eden, the first thing God checked for was their source of information. God asked, "Who told you. ..?"

By hearing the wrong thing (listening to a snake), they became conscious of the wrong thing; fear crept into their lives and changed everything!

God is asking believers today:

"Who told you that you are unholy?"

"Who told you that you are sick?"

"Who told you that you are barren?"

"Who told you that you are poor?"

"Who told you that you can't pass that exam?"

If you constantly listen to God you can NEVER fail in ANYTHING!

Act 8:5—6
5 Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and PREACHED CHRIST to them.
6 And the multitudes with one accord HEEDED THE THINGS SPOKEN by Philip, HEARING and SEEING the miracles which he did.

God's message to you is the gospel of the finished work of Jesus! When Philip preached this gospel in Samaria, the people received it.

How did they receive it?

By hearing and believing.

The Bible says, "hearing and seeing"

Whatever you want to SEE then keep HEARING!

If you keep hearing lack and scarcity in the media, that is what you will keep seeing!

No devil or demon is strong enough to stop you from seeing what you hear and believe! Even in Samaria, " ...unclean spirits, crying with a loud voice, came out of many who were possessed; and many who were paralyzed and lame were healed,' all because if what they heard! (Acts 8:7)

Your deliverance as a child of God is not in gimmicks and shenanigans. The day you got born again, you were delivered. In CHRIST you have deliverance so keep hearing Him.

All you need to do today is to keep hearing about what He had done for you as your eyes are opened to see WHO you are in Him, WHAT you have in Him and WHAT you CAN DO in Him!

STOP LISTENING to what you do not want to SEE and start HEARING what you want to SEE!
#ok bye

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